Best Guide for Astro photography for Beginners

Best Guide for Astro photography for Beginners

I am a fan of night sky photography and I really aspire to be one. I also aspire to be an astro photographer. I would like to say that, Astro photography is my passion. In fact, with sheer practice and a few trials, I came across the best way to become one. Initially I had started this, years back. But I couldn’t get success. However, now, I have been quite serious about this. Yes, I received amazing results.

There are so many things that one has to concentrate on while opting for astro photography. You should work upon the tricks like good exposure, sharp images and perfect compositions.

I am sure, if you read the below mentioned details about best astrophotography guide then you will be able to establish yourself in this field for sure.

astro photography
Source: Canon Australia

Best advice on astro photography for beginners

1. Get a great gear that can take amazing glam photos of milky way

If you are into astrophotography or if you are a beginner and you wish to get into it then you should understand that, there are two types of photography. One is the long exposure photography and here you will be able to take images of streaking sky.

If you wish to take glam images of the milky way then you need to opt for short exposure photography.

Whichever you take first, what matters the most is, you buy a great gear. Having a good DSLR camera with large sensor will give amazing results. In fact, you can even settle down for an entry level DSLR camera. But you may have to invest in good lenses.

2. Tripod is must for astro photography

If you really want great results with deep space astrophotography then for you tripod should not be an option. You should be using a good quality tripod as it will help you in getting good images. With the right astrophotography equipment and accessories, you can surely get the best results! For avoiding camera shake, a remote control will also be of great use.

3. Know which apps would be useful for astro photography

If you want to get ahead in the field of astrophotography, then you should check out the natural lighting conditions. You must also look out for the apps that would be useful while processing the photos. Like, Photoshop and Lightroom are the apps that would help you in enhancing the look of the images.

You should also use the weather apps to find out what kind of weather would be. Also, you should find out the status of the sky as in, if it will be dark or clear.

4. Develop a technique that will help you become the best astro-photographer

It is vital that you develop god photography techniques and that will help you to become a good stellar astro-photographer. If you are looking forward for the best techniques then you should know that manual focus will really work well for you. But set the manual focus to infinity. Use live view feature. Opt for exposure stimulation mode. Now, use some trial and error methods and see how you will come to know which style works best for you!

5. Shoot in RAW format

If you shoot in RAW then you will be able to use the post processing pretty well using the LightRoom and the Photoshop. If you had used JPEG then you would have felt that post processing tasks and editing would have been pretty tough.

It is just that shooting in RAW will take lot of space in the SD card. Thus, for astro photography I would suggest that you carry extra SD cards along. You will have to take many pictures and at the same time you should also have patience to get the best shots.  


So friends, if you are ready with the right attitude and the best digital astrophotography camera then you will be able to get perfect deep space photography photos. Don’t worry about blunders. Astrophotography for beginners will seem to be quite complex. But when you really understand the astrophotography basics, things would be perfect!

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