Best 5 Ways to get Bokeh in Photographs

Best 5 Ways to get Bokeh in Photographs

Get bokeh in photographs and see how your friends and fans would love the pictures. Bokeh has become a photographic jargon and basically it is a Japanese word which means blur. Effects in photography would give it a perfect punch. So, getting bokeh is like giving a touch of creativity to the photographs. Making a background blur or out of focus is what is mean by bokeh. This is visually pleasing and hence the images would look effective, dreamy and eye catching.

But for those who do not know how to get bokeh in photographs just read on and get the best out of your creations!

get bokeh in photography
Source: Ashrafularefinart

Best 5 Ways to get Bokeh in Photographs

1. Using the right lens

Most of the new photographers on the block complain that they could not get the effect as desired when they want that blur effect. Even I was not happy with my work a few years back. So, what was the wrong decision I made? May be, the decision to use a particular lens might be wrong.

 Hence, the secret is that to get bokeh in photographs you should be using the right lens with an aperture of minimum f/2.8. For the newbie 50mm lens would be the best to try. The aperture of these lenses start at f/1.8. If you have already tried these then you can also try telephoto lens. It will create amazing haze in the backdrop. There’s one more thing that you will have to be careful about. The lens and the blades! Yes, the lens which has more blades would be better option. If you have an option to get lens with 9 blades and 5 blades then it would be better to choose the one with 9 blades for perfect blur.

2. Use Aperture Priority Mode

If you choose to be in Aperture priority mode or AV mode then you will be able to get bokeh in photographs. This mode is also known as AV mode. By doing so things would go automatic and the shutter speed will be decided for you. By doing this you are actually making your task easy and quick. You can use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the darkness and light with the help of exposure compensation button.

3. Use beautiful and amazing backgrounds

Since you want to get bokeh in photographs at the backdrop you will have to choose good backgrounds for sure. Just plan backgrounds won’t be sufficient. If there are colors and lights in the background then when the techniques of bokeh are used, there would be haze, soft light, soft colored textures produced at the background and these would look too good! Often, it is seen that urban areas have very good backgrounds in terms of lights and sky scrapers. Hence, the visuals here would be great.

4. How about blur foreground?

Whenever we want bokeh, we would think of blur background. Rather, can we not try something different? Like, blur foreground? The surfaces that are reflective would be the best candidate of blur foreground. When you are doing something really different, you will have to take up a few experiments and try something different as in new angles, photography from new heights and may be using some weird stuff. With an effective foreground the image will look great and you will get bokeh in photographs.

5. Concentrate on distance between subject and the background

Now when I am discussing the subject with you, firstly I would like to say that focus well on the subject. You should see to it that the light falls particularly on the subject. Try to create compatibility between the subject and the background. See to it that there is not too much of light coming from the backdrop or else you will not achieve the desired results!

Now, one more thing I would like to state here is, when you want a subject and behind it the bokeh effect there should be a few meters of distance between the subject and the background. For better bokeh, the background should be far. With a 50mm lens you will have to stay close to the subject and take the photograph. If you are using the telephoto lens then you should step back and then take the image. 


So friends, I hope I have given you a few good ideas to get bokeh in photographs for best blur effect! If you have any better ideas do share it with us! I am sure creativity has no limits and hence even if you are a newbie, you can still come up with something creative by trying on your own. 

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