Best 3 Creative Ways to Use Telephoto Lens

Best 3 Creative Ways to Use Telephoto Lens

For a versatile photographer, telephoto lens will prove to be a versatile tool.  The main target of this lens is to take the image of the items that are far away. Telephoto lens is like any other lens that is present in your camera accessory bag. But there are some creative and basic purposes of this lens and if you really wish to know about the same then just read on. 

Telephoto lens
Source: Adobe Stock

How to use telephoto lens for taking pictures?

Firstly, I would suggest that if you want to effectively take pictures of the far away objects with these lenses then you should use a good and sturdy tripod.  Telephoto lens is heavy and hence by using the tripod you are actually keeping the camera stable.

Just like when you do for every image, when you are using the tripod, it would be better to turn off image stabilization. When you are holding the camera in hands, image stabilization will work well. But on the tripod you have to switch it off.

Telephoto lens can create motion blur and hence when you are working with low shutter speeds it would be better that you use the remote for releasing the trigger. 

So, after I have clarified that how the telephoto lens should be used, now I will show you a few creative ways to use these lenses.

Best 3 creative ways to use Telephoto lens

1. You can isolate the subject and give bokeh effect at the background

It is vital that you do something creative and different when you are actually taking up photography very seriously. This means that, if you are using the telephoto lens it would be better that you isolate the subject and see what effect it is getting. You will see that because of this lens the background will be blur and the effect will give bokeh on the background. 

Source: Unsplash

2. You can shoot the moon

Wow! I am sure this is something you might want to do. If you love astrophotography then you will know that telephoto lens is perfect for taking the shot of the moon. For celestial bodies, the best lens would be the lens with 100mm or more. This lens is expensive, but is worth, if you are really able to shoot these heavenly bodies well.

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Source: Unsplash

3. Panning for motion blur effect

With a telephoto lens panning will be completely easy and interesting. When the subject is in motion, using telephoto lens will create the panning effect and that means there would be motion blur effect and it would look quite creative and awesome. So, use the lens and see how you can create a fuzzy background.

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Source: Unsplash

Apart from these above ideas, you can also use telephoto lens in portrait photography and even for landscape. However, the angle in which you are taking the image and the way you are experimenting with things, finally you will come up with good techniques about how you should use telephoto lens.

Buying the lens would be an important decision and so I am sure when you buy a telephoto lens you will have a number of questions in your mind. Well, as far as a telephoto lens is concerned, it is a basic one and so you should buy it. Once you have it, start experimenting in creative ways and you will feel that you are gaining a new perspective for photography! 


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