Best 3 ways to Clean DSLR Camera Lens and Enhance the Life Span of the Lens
For the very first time, when I wanted to clean DSLR camera lens I was sweating with fear. The reason being, the fear that I would end up doing scratches on the lens! But a friend explained me that there was no need to worry and in fact, cleaning lenses should be a routine at regular intervals. This would maintain the lenses pretty well. So, now I have got a good habit of cleaning the camera lenses whenever they get dirty (without any fear)! Here’s how I do the cleaning and I will explain you the ways in which I would clean DSLR camera lens.
But before that I would like to discuss one preventive technique that will help to save the camera lenses from dust and scratches. For every lens it is vital that you buy a UV or Skylight filter. The filter also helps to cut on the UV light. Once you have a good quality filter, your cleaning routines will also be easy because rather than lenses you have to clean the UV filter. Coming back to the ways in which the camera lenses should be cleaned, just get ready to read on.

Best 3 ways in which you must clean DSLR camera lens
1. Clean the lens with lens cleaning fluid and special soft tissues or soft cloth
Online or offline, you will be able to find alcohol based camera lens fluid cleaners. You should invest in the cleaner. Just two drops of cleaning fluid and then you should rub gently that area in circular motion with a tissue. But never put the cleaning fluid directly on lens. It would be better to take the fluid drops on tissue paper or the rubbing cloth.
Remember, when you are using the tissues for cleaning, they are not meant to be those which we use for face. These are special tissues and are very soft and thin. If you end up using the facial tissues then there will be scratches on the lens.
Alternatively, you can also use soft cloth instead of soft tissues. But just use the blower first so that any large grit of dust, if any, would go away. Now, if you use the soft cloth for cleaning, there would be no danger of the lens getting scratched.
2. Using the blowers for cleaning outside of the camera and lens
The camera stores online also have blowers of different types for cleaning the outside parts of the camera and also the lens. But make sure that you use these blowers only for the outer use. If you try to get within then chances are that because of the dust in the blower, you will actually blow in the dust and this would harm the lenses rather than doing any good to them.
3. Invest in a lens cleaning pen
If you really are concerned about cleaning the camera lenses then you should invest in a lens cleaning pen. It has fine soft hair on one side and that would help to gently clean the lens. Alternatively, you can invest in a soft brush having fine camel hair and if you clean softly with this brush, there would be no scratching of the glass.
Want to see a video too related to this? Here’s a very practical and useful camera lens cleaning video for you.
So, now you know that camera lens cleaning is no rocket science. But, even though you clean DSLR camera lens at intervals, you should not forget to drop the silica gel sachets in your camera bag. This is because, the silica has the potential to remove extra moisture and hence the lenses when they are stored in the camera bag would have prevention from moisture and dust. Make sure that you change the sachets every month.
So, whether you have brand new lenses or used ones, you should keep them clean and free from dust. Have you been looking forward to buy reasonable used lenses for DSLR camera? If yes, then our blog Best 5 tips to follow while Buying Used Lenses for DSLR Camera would be useful for you.
Coming back to lens cleaners, good news is that you also find good camera cleaning kits online which would help you to clean the DSLR parts as well as the lenses. So, just follow the routine well and see how you can enhance the life span of your lenses. I am sure this post Best 3 ways to Clean DSLR Camera Lens and Enhance the Life Span of the Lens would be beneficial to you.
If you find this blog useful then do post your comments here. Your feedback is valuable! Happy cleaning!