Worst 5 Travel Photography Mistakes to Avoid on your Journey
I am sure, on reading the title, you will feel what travel photography mistakes you have been talking about? Being a travel photographer, there are so many things you have to keep in mind. Like, right from carrying the right gear, accessories, right clothing, protective covers and a lot of other things, you will also come across a lot of challenges on your path.
If you are travelling a place for the first time then you will have to study the place and also explore the spots that are worth covering in your photography. Amidst so many things that you have to do, you might get into a few silly mistakes. So, here for your reference, I am listing the worst 5 mistakes that every travel photographer should avoid.

Worst 5 Travel Photography Mistakes to Avoid on your Journey
1. Staying impatient
Patience is a virtue that almost every photographer should develop. Impatient is going to be the worst mistake if you are a travel photographer. Then you should develop a lot of patience. While he has to take a shot, he should compose the image well, check if the shot looks impressive and even after clicking, he is not satisfied, he should take some measures and get ahead. Handling the entire matter in an impatient way just won’t work.
Also, while you are packing the bags, don’t do it impatiently or in haste. It would be better if you carry the best accessories for photography along.
2. Not photographing in the Golden Hour
When you are into travel photography one of the biggest travel photography mistakes that you might make is missing the golden hour. This is the time just before the dusk and just after the dawn. The lights are a bit diffused, natural and soft. Taking photographs in this light would just create the best snaps. So, try you don’t miss out these special hours of the day while on your spree for travel photography.
3. Not covering the people
For a travel photographer, along with covering the spots and areas, covering the people and their lifestyle is very important. But most of the beginner photographers tend to make such travel photography mistakes of not covering the people on the way. So, try and find what the people in that area do and how they live. This will help you to show the exact picture of that place.
4. Not taking photos from the close distance
Often, the beginner photographers have a feeling in mind that taking the picture from a distance would work in travel photography and hence they would just use the zoom lens in the process. But it is not so. If you really want the best pictures then you have to bypass the distance rule. Go close by the subject and then take the picture. Perhaps this trick might make you come up with awesome images.
In the process, if you want you can also invest in the best lens for photography.
If you want to enhance your talents more and gain better levels of confidence then you should start posting the travel photography images on social media. Often, the beginner photographers might do two things in extreme. Either they will post too many pictures or they would not post any. You have to maintain a balance. Thus, sharing the travel photography pictures on social media would be a good idea. Not sharing the pictures would be one of the worst travel photography mistakes.
So, my fellow photographers! I hope you liked the above blog Worst 5 Travel Photography Mistakes to Avoid on your Journey . We would love to get your feedback and comments over this!
Also read the blog Improve your Photography with DSLR Camera. I am sure it would help as well.