Worst 5 Post Processing Photography Mistakes a Photographer should Avoid
In todays’ world, photographer has to take up a lot of things including the post processing as well. So, there are no chances of mistakes. Here I shall share with you that as a photographer, in hassle or due to inattentiveness there might be worst post processing photography mistakes. But, it is vital that you should be alert about these things. In my career inception, I used to get along well with JPEG format. But then when I got control over my photography, I would shoot in RAW and this would help me to control things better post photography! By doing right processing of the photographs you are actually bringing the best out of the photos.
Here I would like to give you the checklist in regards to worst 5 post processing photography mistakes that you should avoid.

Worst 5 Post Processing Photography Mistakes a Photographer should Avoid
1. Overly concentrating on shadow lightening
There would be a few shadows in every photo and so when you are processing the same, you will have to lighten the shadows a bit. But, make sure that you are not overdoing the stuff. If you overly concentrate on all that then you will end up making the photo look unnatural! In order that the reflection looks natural, you should see to it that the real thing is lighter and the reflection is darker. This is the law of nature and in reality, things happen in this manner only.
2. Over saturating the scene
This is one of the worst mistakes a photographer might make just to show the very best. Choosing saturation to a certain extent is good. But if you saturate everything then the picture will not look as natural as it should be. So avoid making such post processing photography mistakes. You are a newbie photographer and so even this blog, 6 mistakes of a newbie photographer would be useful for you.
3. Adding sharpening globally all over the image
When you want to add sharpening in a local area, you should do it locally and not in the entire image. If you go ahead with doing the same all over then the charm of the image will be lost. Like when the sky is blurred and it should look smooth and there is no need to add sharpening to the same. In fact, if you will make the mistake of sharpening the same globally then the right effect will be lost. So, avoid making such post processing photography mistakes.
4. Taking away breathing room from the subject by over cropping
Cropping the subject can help in elevation of focus but the problem is that if you over crop the image then there would be no breathing space. The photo will have only the subject! In order to make the image look interesting you will have to keep the surroundings a bit natural rather than cropping too much.
5. Using high ISO for noise reduction
In every image there would be some noise and that is equally important to keep the naturalness intact. So, all you can do that in the post processing task, you can use high ISO to reduce the noise in the image. But if you use this too much then you will repent over the results. So, make sure that you avoid making such mistakes which don’t sound like mistakes in the first place.
If you want to avoid post processing photography mistakes then you should try and balance things as they come. You have to accept that every image would have some imperfections and they work as the assets for the image. So, while you are processing, bring the best out of the photos but don’t make them look artificial.
I hope, you agree with me in regards to the views I mentioned, Worst 5 Post Processing Photography Mistakes a Photographer should Avoid. Do share your comments here.