Best 5 Creative Tips to Win Potato Photography Competition 2020

Best 5 Creative Tips to Win Potato Photography Competition 2020

I am stuck at home in the lockdown situation and so I was thinking, what novel and creative thing I should do? I came to know about Potato Photography Competition as hosted by Photo Crowd. My mind said, Hurrah! I am going to take part in this competition.  Potato being such a simple thing, how to develop creative thoughts over it while taking the photography shot!  So, which one would be the best to photograph? The simple King Edward? Maris Piper? How about Yukon Gold?  Well, I will need some time to decide what I would like to opt for. But, there are already some creative tips coming in my mind which I would surely like to share with you. 

Potato Photography Competition 1
Source: Deviant Art

Best 5 Creative tips to win Potato Photography Competition 2020

1. Think about the subject deeply and select the best potato

So, the first thing that you and me, should do is, select a good potato first. Potato, being the hero of the competition, we will have to groom it at its best. But while grooming, we should not forget that ultimately, a potato should look like a potato.

2. Selecting out of King Edward, Yukon Gold and Maris Piper

First you will have to decide something about the subject. Out of the various kids, which one do you think would be the best for your photography session? 

Well, King Edward is a classy style Christmas Potato. It has creamy white flesh from within and has floury texture. If you are looking forward to show it naturally as it is, then this variety will work for you.

If you are mesmerized with Yukon Gold potato then this one is surely a variety you would love to take shot of. This has yellowish flesh inside and the skin over the potato is eye free and very clean. This smooth potato is worth grooming because of its amazing curves for the Potato Photography Competition.

Maris Piper is oval and cream colored potato. This kind of grown a lot in UK, very clean in looks and prestigious, this type looks simple, but you can use its potential completely while shooting!

3. Think out of the box so as to get your most creative juices

You may be a professional photographer or one by hobby or you may just like to click with your DSLR. Now, if you are going to take part in the competition, you will have to think out of the box. Routine is an enemy of creativity. If you portray the thing as it is then you are doing nothing different! Just look at Mr. Carbs from different angles and try to think what you would like to do different with it! 

4. Play with the natural lights

Don’t directly indulge into extra lights and extra flash. Try and accommodate the idea within the natural lights that are available in your home. Also, instead of auto flash mode, you should adopt the manual flash mode. By doing that you will get amazing results! There would be lot of inspiration for the budding photographers because the prizes for Potato Photography Competition are amazing.  Well, if you are not a pro, then too you can take part in the competition. Just understand how to use your camera well for taking the perfect shot. I am sure tips to get most out of your dslr camera would help those who are going to take an image for the very first time.

5. Take time to think as you have time till 20th June

There is no hurry because you can put your entries in the competition till 20th June. So, take time and think. You will just have no idea that one fine day a perfect idea would strike to you. You can see images from the web, but try to be original as much as possible!

Here, I am posting a few images which are really attractive. But I just found them from the web.

Potato Photography Competition 3 1
Source: Unsplash
Potato Photography Competition 2 2 rotated
Source: Unsplash

These photographs are just the ideas. You should be innovative and keep Potato as the main hero for your photography shot! Well, it would be vital that you read all the terms and conditions and privacy policy well, on the website before you enter into the competition. I recommend that you read the submission rules, entry age, entry date and details about the prizing, judges and all. 

Important Note: I am just spreading a word about this competition because it is a good way to enhance creativity amidst lockdown situation. I have no personal interest in this, if you enter into the competition or not.

The reasons why I would love to take part in this Potato Photography Competition

  • I am passionate about photography and when I thought that Potato is the main hero, I felt funny. But now, this would be the best time to actually think, what I can do with the potato except from eating it!
  • he panel of Judges includes Martin Parr and I am a big fan of him. I have been following his works since years and so this is the time, he would actually follow my work!
  • Who doesn’t want free camera? In this, if I win, I will be getting Fujifilm X-A7 along with other prizes! ☺☺
  • In my mind, I have been obsessed with this news since the year 2016, Potato Photograph sells over $ 1.08 Million. See the image given below is the one that is worth millions. This has been photographed by Kevin Abosch. This is an organic Irish Spud.
potato photograph by kevin abosch
Source: CNN Style

So, if my photograph earns the prize or if I become popular in some way, I would love to sell this at half the rate at least. ☺

  • I am kind at heart and so the remittance that Photocrowd gets would be given away to the charity Trussell Trust. So, people who are not getting food would be benefitted with this charity. I am happy I can do something for those who are less fortunate. ☺
  • I am facing depression because of the lockdown and so I am looking forward to do something productive. At this point, I feel this is an amazing challenge and will enhance my creativity and common sense a bit.


So friends, just let me know what you are thinking of Potato Photography Competition. Do share your views in the comment section. I would again repeat that it is completely your wish to take part in the competition or not! I have no personal interest in this. Also, please read the terms and conditions properly before entering.