Best 8 Tips to Retain DSLR Camera Battery for Longer Hours

Best 8 Tips to Retain DSLR Camera Battery for Longer Hours

I have that habit to carry extra batteries whenever I have a photography assignment. But, even that will lose the power. What could be the best tricks to make DSLR camera battery life longer? Well, I would discuss the same here and I am sure it will help you to retain your batteries and make them working for longer hours. It is true that the batteries are rechargeable, but still, smart tactics to retain the battery will be useful for you when you are on an outdoor shoot! Find out how to enhance DSLR camera battery life with these best 8 tips

DSLR camera battery
Source: Beritakamera

Best 8 tips to retain DSLR camera battery for longer hours

1. Don’t delete images directly from the memory card

We normally have this habit to delete the images directly from the memory card. But I would suggest that rather than that, you should let the images get stored in the computer first and then you delete them from the computer itself. By deleting the images from the camera’s memory card will consume more power. So, just avoid that practice.

2. Switch off Image Stabilizer

First you will have to find out that whether your lens have image stabilizer? This is because, it is an optional thing. If you do have then turn the image stabilizer off. This will help you to save the battery power. Image stabilizer in the lens would drain the battery power. The task of image stabilization is to avoid shaky images. If you are using the tripod then anyway the images won’t be shaky. So, switching off image stabilization would be a good decision.

3. Reduce brightness of LCD screen

If looking at the LCD screen is not much necessary then I would recommend that you reduce the brightness of the LCD screen. This will almost save two hours of battery power. So, if you can and if it is not necessary then just reduce the brightness in the LCD. 

4. Check the old batteries for their performance

Often, the old batteries would have power related issues and the performance might decline over a period of time. So, just get the old batteries checked and replace them with the new one. This would revive the camera and you will surely be happy with the performance once again.

5. Try to use natural light to avoid in built flash

If you have to use in built flash then it will use the battery up. So, when you are shooting outdoors, just check out the light conditions. If they are good enough then you should avoid using in built flash. If you are mounting an external flash on the camera then even that will consume battery power. Hence, for outdoor shoots you have to be wise and take the decision as per the situation.

6. Avoid low temperatures for your camera

This is something different and unique, but I came across the fact that low temperatures can drain out the DSLR camera battery fast. Hence, if you have done the winter shooting then when you come into the room, let the camera stay in the bag for some hours to get it acclimatize. Technically, if you don’t let the camera get acclimatize then it would affect the health of the electronic gadget. 

7. Checkout if the needless features are active

There would be lot many features that your DSLR camera would have. But some might be needless and pointless. So, while you are going for an outdoor shoot just keep in mind that the features that are needed should only be active. Rest you can turn them off or make them inactive. This will save hell lot of battery. I realized this after a couple of years of DSLR use and so found myself quite silly. 

8. Switch over to power saving mode

If the camera is inactive for quite some time then it would be turned off. This is how the power saving mode works. If you have not switched over to this mode then do it now. It will help you to enhance DSLR camera battery life to a considerable extent.

Also, if you are not going to use the camera for a few days then make sure that you remove the battery and store them in the battery case. The above things I discussed are better for the health of the battery and also for enhancing the DSLR camera battery life. Apart from a good battery case you may need a few other important camera accessories. If you are a beginner then this blog

5 Best DSLR camera accessories for beginners will surely help you to understand which camera accessories to buy while you are on the shopping spree.

Also, there is a place in your DSLR camera where you can find battery information. Here’s an important video from Canon showing you the details about battery information and registering a battery. Just check out the same.


Friends, I hope you liked the above read Best 8 Tips to Retain DSLR Camera Battery for Longer Hours. If you have any better ideas than these we welcome you to share them here via comments.