How to Take Sunrise and Sunset Photography? Tips and Best Practices

How to Take Sunrise and Sunset Photography? Tips and Best Practices

A beginner photographer would want to enhance his portfolio. For this, it would be better to check out for various genres in photography. Sunrise and sunset photography is quite easy and best when it comes to enhancing your portfolio. The beauty of sunrise as well as sunset is amazing. So, just click on the right note and start taking amazing pictures of sunrise and sunset photography.

sunrise and sunset photography
Source: eFilms

How to go ahead with sunrise and sunset photography?

If you really love photography and you wish to get into amazing sunset photography or best sunrise photography then you should be taking the right steps. Here are some of the right steps that you must go ahead with to pursue your passion.

1. Plan the pictures well

Your first step should be to plan the picture in your mind. For sunrise and sunset photography you should find the amazing scenery that will give you a boost to your idea. The natural light will be the best one to tap and hence avoid the flash.

2. Use a good DSLR camera and tripod

It is important that you use a great quality DSLR camera. You should also keep ready all the accessories that will be needed. Using a good tripod will really help. This is because; if you want the camera to come up with the best images then there should be no shaking. Hence using a good camera and a tripod would be important things for sunrise sunset photography.

3. Using an apt lens of 200mm

You should use prime lens with the focal length of 200mm. This is because, you should make the sun look big and this would be possible only with a 200mm lens.

4. Set the aperture as per the intensity of light

For sunrise sunset photography you will have to set the aperture as per the requirement. When the sun rises, the aperture should be kept small. If the sun sets, it gets darker and hence there will be need for more light and so there should be use of wide aperture.

5. Set the camera to highest resolution

If you wish to get the clear and sharp images for sunset sky photography or sunrise photography then you should set the camera to the highest resolution and this will really work wonders.

With the above you will be at least ready with how you should get ahead. But with the best tips for sunset and sunrise photography there would be better solutions for you. Hence, read ahead!

Best tips for sunset and sunrise photography for flawless images

1. Clean your lens nicely

When you are going to take sunrise sunset photography, my first recommendation would be to clean the lens pretty well. This is because, often in the hustle and bustle of things, you may end up forgetting to clean the lens well. If the lens is not clean then perhaps you will not get the best image!  If there are some spots in the image then it will take lot of time processing them. Rather, you should clean the lens now and then save the processing time.

2. Prefer shooting in RAW

If you want the pictures to be quite dynamic then I would recommend that instead of JPEG you shoot in RAW. This is because, in RAW, there will be space for editing as well. If you are a creative photographer, then you may not want to edit the images. But still, there are benefits of shooting in RAW and so keeping this in mind, shooting in RAW would be great for best sunrise portrait photography.

3. Aperture, ISO and shutter speed

If you are a beginner, then rather than manual mode, it would be better to start with the aperture priority mode. This mode will work well for sunrise sunset photography. In this, you will be able to set the aperture as per the need. Now, shutter speed will also change in that regards. Now left ISO, well you should set ISO at low level to reduce the noise. It would also be wise to use exposure compensation.


I am sure with the above tips; you will get exact idea about how to execute the sunrise photography ideas. The settings will change depending upon the hour you choose, the cloudiness in the weather, the landscapes around and so on. So, I would recommend that you practice a lot and stay patient. If you are able to get the best results then you can say that yes, you were successful in your path for sunrise sunset photography.

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