Best 3 Reasons why Aperture Priority Mode is a Great way to take Photographs
Even though we have been hearing the shout from the photographers that manual mode the best and the photographer should be able to control each and every action in manual mode. Well, but if you ask me, what I like then I would say one of my secrets and that is, aperture priority mode is one of the most underestimated ways of photographing your favorite things. And yes, it is ok to shoot in this mode.
Why it would be great to use aperture priority mode for photography?
The camera is smart and trust worthy
It is true that when you have to click too many photos you would want them to be flawless and hence you may want to control the movements of the camera. But, what if you think of camera as a smart gadget? Well, if you trust the gear you will be astonished with the ways it would work.
Like the settings in aperture priority mode are so smart that your camera will act as if it knows almost every nook of photography. Also, there will be less pressure on your part to work upon the camera movements. The steps of how to get ahead will be decided by the camera itself.
You will get best bokeh at the background
There’s one more reason why I feel that the effect with aperture priority mode is too natural because it will give you perfect bokeh effect at the background and this would look completely natural.
Aperure will control the camera when you have the limited available light at your disposal
When you opt for aperture mode you will be able to control the light that will come in the lens. This means that when you are choosing the wider aperture you actually have to choose the lowest number on your lens. A wide aperture would mean f/1.8 and a narrow aperture would mean f/16.
Due to the above mentioned reasons, it is for sure that when you use aperture priority mode for photography you will be able to get the best results. Also, if you are tempted to take help of the manual mode then firstly you should train yourself with the aperture priority mode and only after you have become an expert in that, you should touch the manual mode settings.
Learn some important tricks with aperture priority mode and see how you will start loving your photography which would turn out to be more creative.
How to select the Aperture priority mode in Canon and Nikon Cameras?
In Canon Camera:
Checkout for the alphabets AV on the mode dial. AV means aperture value.
In Nikon Camera:
If you are having a Nikon camera then you should checkout for A on the mode dial. A refers to Aperture.
You should use aperture priority mode under certain conditions and they include:
- When you are doing a landscape photography
- When you are taking up portrait photography.
- When you want to do street photography.
- When you want to control the depth of the field.
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If you are using aperture priority mode then you are automatically put in the semi-automatic state of photography. You can start using this first as a beginner and then when you are completely confident of yourself, you can switch over to using the manual mode.
What do you think about this blog? Would you like to use aperture priority mode only in certain conditions or you would like to use it often? Do share your views with us. We would love to get our feedback over this.