Posing for Portrait Photography: How Ideally it should be?
Since portrait photography is complex, the nuances that are in relation to this form of photography are also bit complex. The most important thing you need to know is how to pose rightly. So, here are some important ideas that you must go through to master the technique of posing for portrait photography.
It is true that the technique and the skills of a portrait photographer play a key role in getting the best results. But along with that the expressions and the poses of the subject will also make good amount of difference.
If you want flattering portraits then you should tell your client to follow a few posing techniques for portrait photography.

Before going further, you should know what “Portrait Photograhy” is.. If you don’t.. here is the link which will help you in understanding Basics of Portrait Photography
What is Portrait Photography
A few tips for posing for portrait photography
1. Being a photographer, use the best camera angle
This is something really basic, but many a times, the photographers tend to forget this tip. If you keep the camera straight towards the subject, the height of the subject will be reduced. The image will not be flattering. Thus, you should tweak with the way you hold the camera. It should be at an angle and not straight towards the subject.
2. Don’t tell the client to pose perfectly
Before you start the photo session for portrait photography, do not let the client get nervous. It is vital that when you tell them to pose, you should not expect perfection. This is because if you do then they might get nervous.
3. Keep the shots quick and don’t let the client get tired
It is important that you keep the shots quite normal and quick. This is because too many of the shots in a day would make it quite tiring and exhausting for the client. So, before the client gets hungry or angry, fetch the best out.
4. Face is an important part of the portrait
It is important that you understand that in portrait photography is more about the face and expressions. So, if you can then avoid the hands in the picture. If at all you have to show the hands then think out of the box or creatively.
5. The chin should always be down
Some people feel that while the picture is being taken, the head will be upwards. But this is not the right way to pose in portraits. The photographers should tell the clients about keeping the chin down while the portrait is being taken. The way the client looks in the image is more important than anything else.
6. Position the weight pretty well
When doing portrait photography, even the smaller mistakes can create unpleasant images. Posing for portrait photography would seem to be simple task. But actually it is not. The fundamental thing that one should keep in mind is, the subject should shift the weight on the back foot. This will level up the body and the pose will look good, balanced and attractive.
Whether you are a pro or newbie photographer, what really matters is how you treat the clients. You should stay friendly with them and talk to them in prior about the best poses for portrait photography. This will guide them in regards to what way they should keep their body or present themselves.
The point is that, while posing for portrait photography the client might get too conscious or nervous. But if you as a photographer provide the right level of moral support then it would be a beneficial deal for both.
Before the actual shot, if there is time then the client and the photographer should practice the shot. This will help in getting the best results!
Before taking the actual photograph, the photographer should discuss well with the client that what are his or her expectations with the photography? This will help you in getting a clear picture about things.
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