Know about Best 4 Lighting Tips for Photography
Lighting tips for photography? Looking at the title did you feel why illumination? Well, understand what photography is. Well, it is an art to play with shadows and reflections. I as a photographer would recommend that if you use right techniques for taking images then that will make a lot of difference in the quality of images. So, whether you are doing photography for the sake of hobby or if you are a pro, a few lighting tips for photography will surely help. I will share with you the best 4 lighting tips for photography which will guide you in your career.

Know about Best 4 Lighting Tips for Photography
1. Use broader light source
When you use the broader light spectrum the light coming out of it will be softer and hence you will see that during shoots reflectors, umbrellas etc are to be used. Narrow lighting sources like flashes will actually put direct light on the subject which would look harsh over the image. With broad source of lights you will see that the photos will be quite flattering and awesome.
2. Place the lights close to the subject
When you are supposed to take the image of a subject, make sure that you keep the source of light closer to the subject. But make sure that the light is broadened and at that light you keep the subject. This will give awesome results for sure. With this, the subject will be illuminated perfectly and evenly.
3. Using the light depending upon the type of photography selected
I am giving you the tips because I have gone through a lot of trial and errors first. Only after that I realized a few things. The initial yeas of my career went in a lot of trials. So, I have come to a conclusion that the place from where the light should come depends upon the type of photography you have selected. This means that, if suppose you are going to take portrait then the light source should be placed at the front. But if you are going to take the landscape image then you should use side lighting. You should also use the photography filter that is relevant to give the light a perfect impact.
4. Let the shadows make pictures real
Who said that shadows are always bad? Well, you can use shadows and make the picture look real. If you want the area to look voluminous then the same can be done by using the shadows. So project the light in such a way that the photos look like a 3D image.
One more thing that I would like to jot down here is, while you are shooting you will have to keep in mind the color temperatures as well. The light during the day and during the twilight would be different and hence you should understand the tone well. This is called as color cast. You should have an idea about the color cast and hence this will make good amount of difference while photographing!
Knowing how the light works in each case will play a key role. But with this read Know about Best 4 Lighting Tips for Photography I am sure you will get good idea about how to treat the lights well.
While you have read about the lighting, I would suggest that you also read this 6 mistakes of a newbie photographer. If as a photographer you understand the few basic techniques you will surely stand ahead and gain better exposure amidst the competition. If you loved the read then do comment here in comment section! We would love to hear from you.