Best 8 Reasons Why Starting a Photography Blog Would be the Best Decision of your Life
For me photography is a passion and hence I can understand that starting a photography blog would be like a passion for those who love to take amazing photos with different ideas. Just think, what a photographer would be feeling when he would see his own creativity? But there would be a lot of other things that he may think. It would be a treat for him to share his creativity with others.
He should stay inspired so that the photographer would come up with creations that would favorite for the audience. Yes, there are specific networks like Instagram where the budding photographers can post their work. But there are many benefits of starting a photography blog of your own as well.
Being a photographer, I would suggest that you start a photography blog and here are the best 10 reasons why you should do that.

Best 8 Reasons Why Starting a Photography Blog Would be the Best Decision of your Life
If you have been doing photography for a long time as a hobby or as a profession, then there are chances that somewhere you may start feeling bored. Things might get stale. But by starting a photography blog you will see that nothing will turn stale and that you will stay motivated to grow, try new creations and share them on the blog. I am sure; this would be the best motivators for you. Every time you have to compete with yourself and the image that you posted last time would be outsmarted by the one you would post today.
2. You are creating a platform that is completely self-made
The biggest benefit of starting a photography blog is that since this would be a self-made platform, you can rely on it cent percent. Avoiding dependency on the other social networks would be a good decision when your blog goes popular and you already have good fan following. You have complete control over your blog and hence you can add more themes and features to the blog or website, making it look, more professional.
3. You can post all your creative works
I remember when I used to make my work portfolio, there would be many images which I would not want to include, but I would not want to delete them either. Hence, having a blog of your own would always help to place the images which you are not storing for the sake of portfolio, but these photographs would be your memory forever.
4. You can enhance the effect of images and make a story
By starting a photography blog you would become much more serious about the effects that the images will produce. Also, you may want to correlate every picture with the other as well as the moods that prevail. Hence, ultimately, you will end up becoming a good story teller. Also, along with a photographer, you will now be called a blogger!
5. You can turn out to be a good teacher too
With a blog of your own, you can also turn as a teacher who would teach concepts about photography, best travel photography techniques and so on. By being a teacher, you can get in touch with the fans more personally and also, you will be able to share your photography related experiences with the photography enthusiasts.
7. You can grow and analyze your images as time passes
By starting your own blog you will actually be able to expose your talents online and perhaps, you will have better potential for sure. You might come in people’s searches and hence there would be chances to grow your image online and also gain access to potential photograph buyers or sites which may want to do business with you. If you agree with me over all that you read, then I would also want to say that you can start marketing your photography over Instagram. Here’s how you can use Instagram Marketing Strategies for better prospects. Best 7 Instagram Marketing Strategies for Photographers.
8. A blog means that you will also have to write
When you are starting a photography blog, it means that you will also have to write. This would give your writing talents a perfect boost. You already had photography talent within you. Now, you are also blessed with the writing talents. So, in this way you are actually raising the bar.
So, there are so many reasons which should inspire you starting a photography blog. So, what are you waiting for?
Friends, I hope you loved the above read Best 8 Reasons Why Starting a Photography Blog Would be the Best Decision of your Life. Are you also thinking in similar lines? Do share your ideas right here in comments section below.