Best 5 ways to Understand and Apply Rule of Thirds
This blog is about best 5 ways to understand and apply rule of thirds better. Going back to my earlier days, when I was a beginner in the field of photography, I often heard the term rule of thirds, but never knew what it would mean. I often felt like naïve. But I don’t want you to feel the same. Hence, I am giving an explanation further here so that you can understand this rule perfectly! But first let us define what rule of thirds is.

Definition of rule of thirds
The rule of thirds can be defined as a compositional rule wherein you should divide the image into two thirds in your mind and then instead of keeping the subject in the center, try to place it on one of those sides. It is believed that following this rule can create better images.
Now, let us come back to understand this in elaboration. Well, I am sure if you read on the blog further, all your doubts in relation to the rule of thirds would be solved.
Best 5 ways to Understand and Apply Rule of Thirds
1. Understanding rule of thirds in terms of composition
If you feel that only having the best gear can make you a good photographer, then you need to alter this myth in your mind! Along with a good gear, you will also need good technical knowledge about how to compose and process the image. When you have to apply rule of thirds in composing the image you should try and divide the image into 9 equal rectangles. You have this option on the camera to add these grid lines or you can even do it mentally in your mind.
2. Understand the intersection points
Now, the circles that you can see on the image above are the intersection points. In every photograph there is negative space and the point which is the intersection point is naturally the focal point and hence, that part always appeals to the eyes. The point of interest or the subject should be placed at one of such points. Also look at the image below,

In this, the subject is placed at the intersection point which gives this image a perfect look!

3. Applying rule of thirds in landscape and portrait photography
For a beginner, there would be challenge to apply rule of thirds in landscape photography because there might not be any one point of interest in that. Well, in that case you need to find out the elements that prevail. Try to reach at some middle point and see how the rule should be applied. Like, when there is earth and sky as the main elements, the horizontal line should be created at the horizon and that would be the intersection point.

4. The rule of thirds should be applied even in the processing room
You should understand that not just in composition, but post processing also you may need to apply rule of thirds. Just crop the images and remove distractions and see if subjects are falling at the intersection? You can use the crop option to bring things on perfect lay out. If you have just stepped into the world of photography then the blog Beginners Guide to Flash Photography will also be helpful.
5. Yes, you can break this rule
In terms to apply rule of thirds, one more thing you need to know is, you can break this rule provided your creativity just has strong appeal. Like, if the story that the photograph says is strong enough then breaking the rule will be a great idea!
So friends, how do you feel this rule is? Is it worth following or worth breaking? Check out this 5 minute video and grasp the concept once more quickly!
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