Best 5 Elements of Black and White Photography to Create Dramatic Images

Best 5 Elements of Black and White Photography to Create Dramatic Images

I have always thought that black and white photography is quite elegant. Even though color photography prevails, there is a special place for black and white.  The power of black and the soothing effect of white have the power to create amazing contrast and hence when a budding photographer learns these techniques, they would surely become the best in their profession soon. When I was in photography school, I was told by my masters that first one should take plunge to learn black and white photography as it would create a strong foundation for learning. So, with tribute to my teachers, I am writing this blog, Best 5 elements of black and white photography to create dramatic images.

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Source: Wallpaper Access

Best 5 elements of black and white photography to create dramatic images

1. Contrast that prevails in black and white images

If you photograph an image in black and white then there would be subtle contrast. Like, the bright white and the bright black would take the charge of the entire photograph. But, at the same time there is also prevalence of the grey shades or the shades that come up when white is turning into black in the subtle way. So, try and find the positive and negative spaces in the image and see how the contrast in black and white photography will help in creating a perfect photography space. 

2. Clear white is quite appealing to the eyes

When you are into the shoot with black and white images, the clear white will be quite appealing. The scene where you get white space should be used as the focus. In such an image the grey texture will actually fade away the impact. So, look out for white spaces as they would make you feel positive too.

3. Use your creative tricks to expose the picture

When to over expose the picture and when to under expose it, these are some of the creative decisions that you will have to take. The trick should be, the visuals should look dramatic and hence the textures will surely be quite different and dramatic.

4. Create a perfect black and white balance

If you are looking forward for a perfect picture then black and white balance will be an important element that you will have to choose. If you want to add drama to the image then you need to keep it more of black and just fill up with some whites. Likewise, you can also use white as the major option and then some blacks in the image. This would enhance the tone of the image and it will create perfect balance as such.

5. Make the perfect choice of filters

When you are using black and white photography then all you must do is search for the best filters. But make the choice intelligently. For cutting down reflecting light you can use polarizing filters, to darken the parts of the image you can use gradient filters and so on. So, when doing this kind of photography, you should study the filters well and work upon the same.

If you want to be all-rounder then I am sure Best 3 skills for nature photography will also prove to be a useful blog for you, whether you are a budding photographer or if you just love this thing for your hobby.

You can also check out this video which will clear your concepts for black and white photography.


So friends, do let us know how you perceive this type of photography as? Share your comments about your love for black and white photography. We love to receive your feedback.