Best 4 Ways to find Subjects for Photography when there’s nothing to Shoot?
How to find subjects for photography? This can be a confusing topic. Often photography would become boring at some point when you feel that there’s nothing interesting around to shoot. This especially happened with me a few days before in lockdown situation. But then I gathered by guts and thought, what more can be interesting in life, if not life! So, I started searching for whatever I can from within my home and around.
Friends, here are the best ways to find the subject to shoot for photography when everything around seems bleak.

Best 4 Ways to find Subjects for Photography when there’s nothing to Shoot
1. Make model out of your family members
If someone else is also as bored as you are then you can offer them a free modeling offer. So, find a good model out of the family member and tell him or her to pose. You can decide over what kind of photography you want to get ahead with. Like, if it will be a candid one then tell them not to pose, just a few natural pictures would be fine. If you wish to take portrait photography then perhaps you should plan things ahead and let the model use their ideas as well how they wish to pose.
2. You can indulge in food photography
Food is something readily available at home. You can decorate the food or keep the props around and create perfect photos for posting on social media or for adding in your portfolio. You or your loved one at home can create tasty delicacies and then decorate the same on the table. You can adjust the lightings and all in such a way that the photos that come up would be awesome. So, now you know, it’s not hard to find subjects for photography when there’s nothing to shoot.
3. Use household items as your subject
You can create a small place which would become your dedicated studio. You can arrange the lights and all the other photography accessories over there. You can arrange the stuff here for photography! When there’s nothing to shoot you can think of the rare items which are home based and keep them in your studio for photographing. You can use any of your household items for
4. Find things to photograph from your home garden
You will find a lot of subjects in your home garden. You can tap nature into it or try macro photography out of flowers and so on. This would be a great time to create a good portfolio. So, find subjects for photography within your home garden only!
Guys, when life becomes boring and you have to stay at home, do not worry much! You can start with your little projects. Don’t get obsessed that you are not part of any big projects! Staying satisfied at the moment would be the mantra and you should follow the same.
Little projects can be a good way to create a good foundation for your future. So, when you feel that life is boring and there is nothing to shoot you can find subjects for photography within your reach and within your surroundings.
So friends, I would suggest that rather than brooding over staying at home due to COVID 19 lockdown you should try and use your potential to the fullest. Find subjects for photography around you and see how you can get ahead in life! Life would offer you a lot of opportunities and hence you should grab them and use them for sure. Create and develop new skills and add good images to your photography portfolio.
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