Best 3 Ways to Choose the Best Locations for Family Portraits
Every photographer has some special space or location which he would love to shoot in. But, if you take all your clients there to shoot the portraits or family portraits then there will be a repetitive portfolio for you. Thus, you should try to be more experimental and innovative and find out the best locations for family portraits.
Before we discuss the 3 ways that will help you to choose the best location for family portraits, let us first discuss what can be the two scenarios that will come in front of you.
- The first scenario is that the client would know a good place to take family portraits and he would suggest that place.
- The second scenario is where the client would take your suggestion.
So, if the second scenario prevails, then you should have scouted for a few spaces and you should have done a good amount of homework. This will help you to suggest the client a few really good places for family portraits.
There are basically 3 ways that come to my mind to choose the best locations for family portraits.

Best 3 Ways to Choose the Best Locations for Family Portraits
1. Choose the location as per the theme of the portrait
You and your client might have decided some theme for the family portrait or maybe you guys might have thought of a few poses too. So, keeping all these things in mind, you will have to think that what kind of picture you guys need.
If you choose something that would be apt for a cloudy day then a place where there are a lot of trees and amazing nature’s bliss can be selected.
If you are choosing the mid-day which is quite sunny, then a picture where just the right posing would matter will be done.
If you choose the golden hour of the day then almost all the shots would be great. You can choose the beach, the garden, the point of sunrise and sunset too.
2. Try to choose the location where things are not much crowded
If you choose a place that is too much crowded then the family portrait would end up having a few more people in the background, which might not look good. Hence, what matters the most is when you choose the place, it should have only a few people around. You can also choose that time of the day when the place is not too crowded.
3. Any simple location will also be good, you should have confidence
Last but not the least; even the simple location would be fine. But all you must have is good amount of confidence, as a photographer. Perhaps, this will make you and your client quite happy with the results.
So, scouting for a good location is an important thing when you have to choose the best locations for family portraits. But what matters the most is, the way your client gives the shot, the way you shoot things, and the way entire thing turns out to be.
You as a photographer should be involved with the subject. You can give your subject advice about what options would be great for family portrait posing.
A few suggestions should come from your client and a few should come from you. Together, both the parties should come down to a medium solution and this would surely give you the best option as such.
Do you agree with the above blog? Do you think that choosing the best locations for family portraits would be an important thing? Please share your views here in the comment section and do let us know what you feel!