Guide for Long Exposure Photography: What is it and Tips for Beginners
If you have got a chance to look at an image which has landscape photo but with the soft looking light trails or surroundings. If yes, then you have definitely seen long exposure photography. This is a type of photography which can enhance the effects in an image without too much of manipulation.

What is long exposure photography?
Long exposure photography is a technique which helps you in getting the desired effect for the picture. If you are looking forward for moving things and a great effect for them then you can use motion blur. For this you will have to use the long exposure photography ideas. So, whether things are stagnant or moving, this technique can be useful in almost all genres of photography. Yes, this would even work well in time lapse photography. You can even opt for long exposure seascape photography or long exposure nature photography. The choice will be yours.
Importance of shutter speed in long exposure photography

When you are looking forward to get perfect results with photography, you will have to be extra careful about three things. These are ISO, shutter speed and aperture. When you are doing long exposure photography you are already handling longer exposure that means more light enters the camera. Thus, there is no need to be too specific about the extra lighting around. You may understand this better if you read this blog shutterspeed, ISO and aperture. Use a good DSLR camera as it would open up a lot of options for you in life.
Now, let me give you some amazing long exposure photography tips.
Long exposure photography tips for you
1. Think what you wish to get ahead with
When it comes to long exposure photography dslr you will have a lot of options as available. To name a few, you can opt for long exposure dance photography, long exposure sports photography, long exposure fashion photography and a lot more. Depending upon the subject and the theme that you choose, you will have to study the weather conditions and lighting too. These are some basic things that you should study even with other forms of photography. It is also recommended that you check out the location of photography once so that you can make a perfect plan head.
2. Use a good quality tripod

Since you will have to be accurate in your long exposure photography you must just stay sure that you are using a good quality tripod. This will help you to handle multiple things at a time.
3. Get remote release and filter holders too
For long exposure photography you will also need remote release for shutter and the filter holders. These accessories will add accuracy to your images and will guide you towards unshakeable images.
4. Compose the image well
Whether you are getting long exposure photography techniques or for that matter any other form, your main target should be to compose the image well. This will really help you by all means in making your task super easy. Once the image is composed well things would be well under control.
5. Use manual mode
You should shift from the auto mode to the manual mode. This will empower you to do a lot of things on own. If you settle down for the auto mode then the results will not be satisfactory.
6. Add the filter
Natural density filter works very well with long exposure photography. So, get this filter and depend on your camera to get the perfect picture.
7. Set the right exposure
You should set the exposure now as you are in manual mode. But first before taking the actual click you should set the right exposure as a test and take a few shots too with this. Ideally for long exposure landscape photography the count of f/8 to f/11 would be best. So, just check the test shots and see how you have set the exposure and if it is suitable, which one it was. Set the exposure now as per the test shot.
8. Opt for bulb mode
You should opt for bulb mode as well. This will add naturalness to the image and the overall effect will also be good enough.
Friends, I hope you read the above long exposure photography for beginners guide. If you have any questions then do share your views here in comment section. Did you like the blog? If yes, give your valued feedback.