Best 5 Tips to Become a Better Photographer and Take the Best Shots
If you want to attain a good reputation, skills and exposure in photography over a period of time, then you will have to maintain patience. But yes, practice does make a difference. How to become a better photographer, this question will come in your mind many times when you are a beginner and you have just started. I too had the same dilemma and moreover, I was always in a hurry. I would like to tell you that hurry will bury you.
Just keep your mind open and practice well and see how you will be in the position to gain better expertise over a period of time in the field of photography. If you are just starting then rather than investing in an expensive gear, it would be better if you can just buy a beginner DSLR to study its working perfectly. Learn how to compose the images, understand how the camera works and gain confidence with time.

Here are some of my tips that will help you to become a better photographer, over a period of time!
Best 5 Tips to Become a Better Photographer
1. Study the images and compositions
- When you just start with nothing, there’s always confusion as to where you should start with. So, you should keep some good photographer as your role model and you should start studying their best images.
- Learn how to compose the images. Often the beginner photographers might keep the subject, primary focus or the object in the center of the image. This is a photography mistake and it would be better if you avoid the same.
- Following a few cool photography techniques will take you a long way.
2. Don’t be scared of shooting, shoot whatever comes in your way
In order to become a better photographer you should not keep any apprehensions and prejudices in mind. A good photographer is well read and well learnt and hence, when you have just begun, shooting anything and everything will give you better experience. So, never be scared of shooting.
3. Understand what types of photography prevail in the world and study them
When it comes to understanding the types of photography you should make a list of all those that you know and those you do not know. Learning the types of photography can enhance your field and there will be a lot you can explore. It will take time as the scope of this subject is vast. But, it will give you a lot of knowledge.
4. Try new techniques in photography from an established photographer
You should never shun away from learning new things. You should get guidance from the best photographer whom you know personally. If needed, you can join an offline or online photography workshop. Perhaps, this will offer you a lot of knowledge which in turn will help you become a better photographer.
5. Treat all your clicked photos as your asset
It is vital that you treat all the images that you have clicked as your asset. They might be average or you may not like them, but they might have some value. In fact, when you will understand photography from complete depth, these clicked pictures will help you to do the analysis about your own talent and growth. The pictures you click are your asset because they will show you the mirror of your growth avenues.
So my fellow beginners, do you think that becoming a better photographer is a tough task for you? Well, you should first develop a positive attitude and stay open to all the avenues of learning photography in a better way.
Do you agree with all the above points that I shared with you? If yes, do share your feedback with us. We would love to listen from you!