7 Terrible Reasons why Photography Career is not Worth the Efforts you put in

7 Terrible Reasons why Photography Career is not Worth the Efforts you put in

Do not get discouraged with the above statement. I feel that photography career is not worth because of the struggles that it poses. The period of struggle for budding photographer will surely pass. But till then; you will have to face many struggles. Here, I am just mentally preparing you from the challenges that might come your way.

In fact, I have seen that being a photographer often sucks, even after many years of practice, because of the underpayment problems. The kind of hardships a photographer faces and the worth he gets for the same doesn’t match! This makes me write the blog and here’s my say about 7 terrible reasons why photography career is not worth, the efforts you put in.

photography career is not worth
Source: FlexJobs

7 Terrible Reasons why Photography Career is not Worth the Efforts you put in

1. There is too much of competition

Since DSLRs have become cheap, you will see that everyone wants to be a photographer. So, there are many who do not know the technicalities. But still, they would want to be part of the bandwagon.

I have also seen that, some beginners are so keen to create the portfolios that they would get ready to work for nothing. In fact, this will undervalue those who really are putting in too much of efforts. This makes me say that photography career is not worth for those with real talent.

2. You won’t get much till you are a beginner

You will have to start from somewhere. But till you are a beginner, you will feel that life is a punishment. Unless you have too much love for photography, you will feel that photography career is not worth.

But don’t feel discouraged. This would be the time to stay patient and motivated. But always keep an eye on the works of the best photographers in the world so that you can learn something from them.

3. Get ready to your works getting stolen

I exactly felt that photography career is not worth mainly because this happened to me in the beginning of my career. In order to give my works some exposure, I had posted some amazing pictures on social media. Some t-shirt maker used that photography work in their creation. I being a beginner did not even know what to do! So, I just got ripped off.

4. Underpayment can suck

The biggest reasons why a beginner will feel that photography career is not worth, is the underpayment. Since other photographers are charging little money because of the low confidence that they have, the talented fellows have to suffer. Underpayment can suck and it can be a discouraging factor.

5. Photography demands time

Photography can be a great hobby and a good profession too, especially if you are young. This is because at this age there will not be too many expectations from you. Also, without a family to look after, you can devote good time learning photography. But when you grow a little older and have a family, you will often stretch between the photography commitments and your family. Photography genuinely demands lot of time.

6. Over expectations of people

One of the leading reasons why you may feel that photography career is not worth because people or clients would expect a lot from you. In fact, your friends and relatives would invite you just because you are a creative fellow and would also insist you on bringing the camera along. Yes, they want you to click them free of cost. So much of expectations from you! This would drive you crazy.

7. Investing a lot of money on hi-tech camera can only give great results

If you are going to step ahead in this field with the tag of a professional then you will have to invest in a hi-tech and expensive camera. Only then you can achieve certain level of results! So, when you start getting the returns, they would be meager initially and make you feel bit insecure.


I am sure you as a budding photographer would be having this feeling that photography career is not worth! But I am here not to discourage you. So, I would suggest that you start learning photography from the younger age. So that, by the time you are expected to earn, you start getting the best results financially too.

Doing something you are passionate about can surely keep you motivated. But the hurdles that may come on the road may sometimes make you feel weak.

Try to be positive and get expertise in photography to the level that no one can beat you. Tread new paths, experiment a lot, learn a lot, see a lot and practice a lot. If you do all these, I am sure you will never again feel photography career is not worth!