Best 6 Tips for Storytelling with your Photographs

Best 6 Tips for Storytelling with your Photographs

Would you love the idea of storytelling with your photographs? I love when the newbie photographers say that they practice a lot. This is because, the most practical approach towards photography is that you should practice a lot, experiment a lot and come up with the best photographs. If you have learned how to compose the images excellently then you can go one step ahead. Yes, now you can even opt for storytelling with your photographs. So, now is the right time to discuss with you this aspect of photography. So, now I wish you all the very best for trying this novel and awesome thing.

Best 6 Tips for Storytelling with your Photographs

1. Try to have more things in the frame to tell the story

If you would have framed just the bird then the story would miss the other important aspects as in the winter day filled with snow. The look of the bird is so different in this, the angle in which this image has been taken. So, such images where many other aspects are also covered along with the subject can be said to be a story telling image.

Storytelling with your Photographs
Source: Unsplash

2. Series of shots if you want to elaborate the story

If you have been given series of shots then you should use them to elaborate the story. Like, if it’s a birthday party and you want to cover a series of pictures like the cake making process, birthday decoration, birthday girl getting ready, guests arriving etc. then you should take series of images. Take shots from different angles and different heights and see how each one turns out to be.

3. Plan the shots ahead

If you are looking towards storytelling with your photographs then you will have to plan the shots ahead. Don’t think that on every path there would be a surprise waiting for you. There would be different aspects and so to let the continuity be, you will have to plan the shots in advance. If you are doing this for the first time then just check out how the established photographers have done this in past. Study their works and then move ahead. If you are looking for cinematic images then read this best tips for photographs with cinematic looks.

4. Keep the mind open to exclude when needed

When you are creating the story that means that you are storytelling with your photographs then make sure that you are ready to exclude things from the frame that are not needed. I would say that since you are the creator of the story, it is in your hands that what you want to exclude. Also, when you have taken series of images, you can decide which one to keep and which one to delete.

5. Take into consideration the right composition and lighting

Sometimes, in the realm of telling a story, you may forget to take extra care about composition and lighting. But, these are two important ingredients of photography and hence you should consider these two things for sure.

6. Include emotions in the story

When you are storytelling with your photographs your prime responsibility will be to include the emotions in the story. For this you should take the portrait photos in such a way that the faces and the expressions come in the perfect way.  In this way you are actually including emotions in the story which would make the story an instant hit.


I hope, you liked the above read Best 6 Tips for Storytelling with your Photographs. Human factor is vital when you are into this form of photography. So, get ready to explore more with your creativity. If you have any good view over this, then do share in comments.