Worst 6 Mistakes of Newbie Photographer that you should avoid
After reading the title you might be thinking, mistakes of newbie photographer? Does something like this exist? We all tend to make mistakes. But using those mistakes as stepping stone to success is something an intelligent man does. So, here I would share with you the worst 6 mistakes of newbie photographer that you must avoid in the starting of your career. If you can avoid that then there would be better foundation for your career.
So, are you ready to learn what you shouldn’t do at the beginning of your career? Just read on!

Worst 6 Mistakes of Newbie Photographer that you should avoid
1. Not focusing on the subject properly in an image
Sometimes, you may end up focusing on many aspects around the subject and hence the main focus would be lost. But this could be one of the worst mistakes. Things like bushes, trees and light post or anything would be given extra importance. If anything like this happens, try to alter the image and focus a bit. The subject should always have better prospects and so show it in the best light.
2. Cutting the feet from the legs
As a newbie there are chances that while taking the images, you may miss out on the details like taking the figure as a whole. If you were paying less attention then it means that you have a chance to miss on something! One of the worst mistakes of newbie photographer is, you may forget to include feet in the limbs. Just let the mistakes be deliberate, if any. Try to pay attention to the subject and the things around. Look at the pictures of professional photographers and see how they would have covered the subject or any particular photo.
3. Not having a gaze behind the subject
When you are clicking a photograph, it would be better to first have a gaze behind the subject. Sometimes, you may not have a look at what’s coming from behind and such things would also become an important part of the subject. So, make sure that you just have a look first at what things are around and specifically behind. If you forget these things then it would seem that things are coming out of the head of the subject.
4. Taking the image from just one angle
Those who take the image from one angle would never learn that a good image is often taken from different angles. Like, if there is a building, a good photographer would take different shots from different angles and then decide which looks the very best. But the newbie who is not much aware might just take a simple photo of the building from the middle.
5. Not understanding the camera or giving it enough time
Giving the camera some time would really matter the most. Often, mistakes of newbie photographer might lie in wasting time in just knowing the features of that glam cam. But rather, they should consider and understand the basics pretty well. By giving enough of time to the camera there would be a lot of things that would happen well. So, try and understand your gadget well in the start and don’t do any kind of hurry to just click the shots.
6. Not asking for help
Sometimes due to ego or sometimes due to lack of education, we may not have knowledge over something. But at such times, we should keep the mind open and try to ask for help. You may have your fellow photographers or a friend for help.
In the meanwhile you should also understand characteristics of a great photo. I hope, you would not repeat Worst 6 Mistakes of Newbie Photographer. So, tell me how you liked this read, Worst 6 Mistakes of Newbie Photographer that you should avoid! If you loved it, just write your feedback here.